Release Blitz: Amnesia by Ellie Grace, Kelly Elliott

Amnesia by Ellie Grace, Kelly Elliott is now live!

I’m scared.
When will this nightmare end?

Darkness and cold has tortured me.
I can’t remember anything.

He’s coming.
His footsteps echo like a wrecking ball in my head.

He’s getting closer.

He’s almost here.
I must escape.

He’s here.
Breath tickles my face.

With what little strength I have, I find my way to the sunlight.

Tortured moans become more distant.
Run faster.

I drop with exhaustion.
Did I make it far enough?

I’m being lifted.
Warmth engulfs me.

Please let this be my savior and not my captor.

Amnesia is a stand alone novel.

 Download today or read for FREE with Kindle Unlimited!


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đź’‹Melena’s Reviewsđź’‹

Two words, Holy Beejesus never saw this coming from Kelly Elliott writing as Ellie Grace. Talk about suspense, action and many questions to be asked it was mind blowing. Right away we see a young woman, no memory, no name and well not sure what to do with herself. Then we have a rancher all the way still haunted by the disappearance of his fiancee. Two people yet so much in common it is mindboggling how Ellie Grace makes sense in this whole book. Right away my heart broke for Mallory and what she is going through. The only thing she has going on is just her name and nothing else. No idea who the monster is just the sound of his laugh was and still in my mind but for this poor girl just wow. Then we have Liam doing everything he can to be there for her but struggling with what is uncovered with his Mallory there’s no words to describe it. This is definitely a style that is becoming a favorite by Kelly Elliott and seeing Ellie Grace come up with this story is just truly suspenseful. We have romance, friendship but most of all a woman doing the bravest thing she can do right now, remember. Totally rocked this book so highly recommended a story that will stay with you once it’s done making you want to read it again, loved it.

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A black and white sign with white text
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Meet Kelly Elliott

Kelly Elliott is a New York Times and USA Today bestselling contemporary romance author. Her bestselling works include, Wanted, Broken, Lost Love, and Never Enough, to name a few.

Kelly lives in central Texas with her husband, Gus, her chocolate lab, four cats, and endless wildlife creatures. When she’s not writing, Kelly enjoys reading and spending time with her family.

To find out more about Kelly and her books, you can find her through her website.

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