Review.. Corrupted Heart by Jagger Cole

Corrupted Heart by Jagger Cole. Ebook
465 pages

My family don’t know me and some days I don’t even know myself. I know for a fact people don’t see the real me but a monster. My name is Kratos , I have been through hell so many times the Devil is now my friend so to speak. To others I was raised to threaten, kill and most of all have no feelings until Her. Something about Bianca calls to me in a way no other woman has done before. Just like me she has a darkness in her that awakes the monster in me. I have seen what my brothers have gone through when they find their mate but Bianca is much more to me. Darkness surrounds me yet with Bianca I see a glimpse of light I haven’t seen before. She is little ballerina and somehow her dancing into my heart is making me something I shouldn’t be feeling. Can a monster like me keep this little ray of sunshine until it kills again?

Something is wrong in me. I have seen all I loved find their happiness and happily ever afters yet I want different. People around me want the love doviness, the hearts and candy but I want the opposite. There is something about being chased, found and taken that should not excite me but it does. There is a darkness I can’t explain yet with Kratos I feel a connection I shouldn’t be having. Here is a man that doesn’t want me yet doesn’t fight to get away from me. Everybody warns me about him but I see something in him no one has seen before. They say monsters can’t be saved but they don’t know me and what I can do.The thing is that I not only stumbled upon danger but know something I shouldn’t know. Can I trust Kratos to help me? Will this feeling of being taken and claimed ever go away?

Okay Jagger Cole, finally you have given us what we have craved to read at last. We have seen Kratos from afar, always a mystery to us but boy this is a side long time coming. Unlike his other brothers he was raised differently and has turned him into something he never imagined. There is a beast in him that thirsts for blood and only one person can go against him. Bianca is definitely one woman he never saw coming but man there is something between them no one expected. Now Biance has seen what war and corruption can do toa family and she is ready for much more. Don’t let the little ballerina look fool you there is a side of her no one has seen before. Reading what Kratos has gone through and what he has had to do will just blow you away. Together these two will find not only balance but a dangerous yet exciting connection that can’t be stopped. We see there are more secrets and a war once again starting but can they find the real bad villian before everything explodes. One thing for sure Jagger Cole brings danger, action, suspense and a darkness will put you on the edge of your seat wanting more. Corruption at its best full of wickedness and danger all in one, loved it.

“I received an eBook copy from the publisher for the purpose of an honest review. I was not compensated for this review: all conclusions are my own.”

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