Review.. Falling for Her by Kelly Elliott

Falling for Her (Boston Love Book 3) by Kelly Elliott
270 pages

Love, I thought I found love in Mandy. She is my everything and I have to do everything I can to make her mine again. Everybody thinks I’m crazy for wanting her back but I have a plan. It is a plan that will work if I have some help. I will do anything I can even fall to blackmail to suceed. Only one person I know will work perfect, Claire Monroe. Ever since my brother Finn married her best friend Rory, Claire has been like a thorn on my side. She owes me big time for what she did at Rory’s wedding and it is time to pay back. The thing is though we bicker alot and some times fight I can’t get her out of my mind. Ever since Mandy broke my heart my apartment has been well revolving door of women not anything like Claire. Something about her blows me away and now these feelings I have for Claire scares me. Since my brother’s found love and started having families a part of me want what they have definitely so not me. Only thing I don’t see it with Mandy but more with Claire. It started as a charade to make Mandy see my love for her, wanting her back I never expected how much I want Claire. Everything about her seems right for me and a day without her is not something I want to go through ever again. Can I just give up on Mandy knowing Claire might not really want me after what I put her through with this plan?

Of all the men for my best friend to marry they had to have a brother like Wes Ward. Sure he’s hot as hell but every time he opens his mouth he says something stupid. I’m used to it now but the words that just came out of his mouth now pretending to be together to get his ex-girlfriend to break of her marriage is just well beyond crazy. Mandy is the one that has moved on yet for some reason Wes is still stuck on her. I know I’m not type of woman he usually hooks up with but a part of me has crushed on him for so long now. In my head I know it is wrong to even consider helping him but in a small way I will be spending time with him. It started off innocent, a plan I knew will go bad but I am seeing a whole side of Wes I never expected. I always believe in love, the kind of love my parents have and his parents so yes my eyes are wide open and I want more of Wes. I’m just a girl falling in love for the first time to a man who wants his old love. My name is Claire Monroe, naive to believe a man like Wes Ward would ever fall in love with me but I can dream. Right?

Kelly Elliott brings us back to a favorite series, the Boston Love where if you not a Red Sox fan you are now in Claire Monroe well bad list and might be hated. We have the Ward family and loved seeing Rory and Finn but Wes now he is the one worth waiting for. Wes is the serious one, went after a big career in the city to come back home to well get his old love back. Then we have Claire Monroe, the friend that will do anything for a friend even if it means losing her heart to a lost cause. These two are perfect, not just so many things in common though they argue there is tons of chemistry right from the start.Loved seeing Wes go all jealous one minute and trying to figure out who he really wants was just hillarious. Claire now is the type of woman who is just like all of us wanting that Hallmark kind of love that just sweeps you away.Seeing these two go from somewhat enemies to friends to something they never expected just shows real true romance by Kelly Elliott. Not only does we see the Ward brothers but we Angie, only girl in the family and boy can’t wait to see her story come to light. Kelly Elliott once again doesn’t disappoint and the Boston Love series is one you have to read. Awesome!!

“I received an eBook copy from the publisher for the purpose of an honest review. I was not compensated for this review: all conclusions are my own.”

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