REVIEW…Full Throttle by Melanie Moreland

Full Throttle (Reynolds Restorations Book 5) by Melanie Moreland
292 pages

I can’t remember the last time I had hope. The one time I had it I lost the most important thing in my life. Now I’m just trying to learn how to live and well just staying alive. Stopping at Reynolds Restoration for something in my car seemed like an answer to what I didn’t know I was looking. Not only do I feel welcomed but I have made great friends including Chase and his officer girlfriend’s mother. There is just something about my Cherry G that makes me want more. To her I am just a young guy looking for a one night stand. Only thing is it’s been a long time since I felt young seeing that I’m in my forties and ready to get my life back. Cherry G makes me feel hope again and I am determined to keep her as mine forever. I know she is older and thinks I’m not good for her but she has no idea what i can do. Her daughter thinks she is skittish, scared to love again but she has never met Dom Salvatore.

I am not like my daughter who can love easily and take the leap. Last time I loved somebody with everything I have I became a widow then a fool when I tried again. I have seen men like Dom Salvatore and they all want one thing, one night stand. Sure it’s been a while and everytime he looks at me I want to jump him but I have rules. The biggest is to not fall, hope and get heartbroken again. The thing is Dom is making it really hard to forget about him with every nice, sexy and carring things he does for me. I know by helping him get what he lost years ago would heal him but know it will change everything for what could for us. I have seen love, friendship and family all around him and know Dom Salvatore can destroy me. After years of being alone can I really open my heart again with a man like him?

Love coming back to Reynolds Restoration and boy alot has changed since we last saw Chase Officer Cinnamon aka Hannah Gallagher. From afar it may seem just like another mechanic shop but this one has a group of men including one that will just make you swoon, Dom Salvatore. Now he is new to this gang of hot mechanics and boy does he blow you away with what he is going through. Here is a man who has well lost hope in ever finding his boy yet it takes a good woman like Cherry G to make him believe in the impossible. Sure he is sexy, tatooed and in many peoples eyes just a mechanic but this guy has a lot in him that even a woman like Cherry Gallagher can’t ignore. She is of course Hannah’s mother and boy can she past to be her sister but she has seen and gone through a lot like Dom. We have Cherry who is afraid to love after getting her heartbroken and played like a fool can’t blame her being cautious when it comes to Dom. I loved the whole age gap though not much a difference in his eyes when it comes towards his Cherry G. Have to say Dom is really good for Cherry making her see that she is still young at heart and still can catch a sexy guy like him.Here is man who loves deeply, cares with all his heart but most of all is a one woman man. Melanie Moreland creates stories that show love is scary but seeing Cherry and Dom you can tell their love can survive anything. There love is not one that just comes with history, heartbreak but Moreland makes you believe that taking the leap into love is the biggest adventure you can take. This one was worth waiting for by Melanie Moreland and one you can’t pass up, loved it.

“I received an eBook copy from the publisher for the purpose of an honest review. I was not compensated for this review: all conclusions are my own.”

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