Review. Hearty by Carrie Aarons

Hearty: A Small Town, Roommate Romance (Ashton Family Book 4) by Carrie Aarons
270 pages

Coming back to Hope Crest was not an option but life has a way of throwing curveballs and boy is this a big one for August Percy. Instead of great childhood memories of the town all August remembers if feeling unloved, neglected, scared but mostly alone. Everybody in town only felt one thing for August and that was pity and sorriness. Sorry for having a mother like she had and well pity that she was living the way she was. Only one family though gave her hope and showed her what real love can be like but she knew she can never belong with a family like the Ashtons.Another reason why she can only secretly crush the younger Ashton son from afar, Evan. Everybody in Hope Crest knew Evan will make it big and being with a girl like August would just bring him down. Now that she is back to settle things once and for all she is being reminding of the little happiness she had there with the Ashtons. A girl like her can never compete with Evan or his family but a girl can dream. Even is sexier than ever and she is not the little girl she used to be but a fighter. It was supposed to be just a temporary stay but even from the grave August is seeing her mother still rule her life. Can she fight for the life she is meant to be? Will she ever be loved by an Ashton?

August, August that is all he hears in his family and though it has been years since he last seen her she definitely imprinted in his mind. She is well the most loved one in the family even though she is not really one of them. Years ago she was a little girl with a crush on him and he was the progidal son the one that made a name of himself so to speak. Coming back to Hope Crest to take over the family restaurant Evan had big dreams. The thing about a family business is his father won’t give him the real leeway to make his dishes and as a chef it is getting to him. Everybody wants him to be something and he he has no idea where he’s going. Only thing he knows is being with August is making him see that he can do great things if his father really trusts him. He knows August is not the type of woman that will want to stay in a place where she never felt like home but he is determined to be there when she needs him. Seieng her as a woman now is making him see he really never gave her a chance years ago and now he’s ready to show her all of him. Can he be there when she really needs him or will he abandon her like everybody in her life has done? Will she ever be able to get her mother’s memory out of her life for good?

Now this is a hometown where everybody knows everybody and for August Percy it can also bring back tough memories. All she wanted was a life of her own, one that is not haunted by her bad mother but one where she has a control in it. It’s been years since she stepped into the town, some things are the same and yet different in a way she never expected. One big thing is seeing her secret crush Evan Ashton working as head chef in the family restaurant. He ins his own way is also trying to be something that his family doesn’t see or in this case appreciate. All he wants it show he can be counted and trusted with the family business. The Ashtons were and still is the only family where she felt loved but she knew it was not permanent. Being back with them she is seeing things have changed, grown and a betrayal she never saw coming. Evan is total opposite from her yet in a way she feels the most connected with him. Seeing August go through what she did was tough but in a way it made her who she is now, a fighter. Evan see’s a woman who is afraid to really feel because of a past she can’t forgt but seeing him show his love towards her was just beautiful. They may not have started all lovey dovey but Carrie Aarons just shows us a love they nurtured, grew and build together a life that August never thought was possible. Loved it.

“I received an eBook copy from the publisher for the purpose of an honest review. I was not compensated for this review: all conclusions are my own.”

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