Review.. Over The Limit by K. Bromberg

Over the Limit (Full Throttle Series Book 3) by K. Bromberg
328 pages

There are three rules Lachlan Evans has followed since he started racing. Always work as a team, meaning it is not just you out there. Always work with your teammate, work together and fix things. Then the crew, meaning these are the people you can rely on to be there and work with you.Three simple rules he has followed all his life but his teammate, Oliver Rossi is one person he is coming to hate. He knows they are both great on the track but outside of the track that’s another story. He’s raced by his side and seen how Rossi does things some he doesn’t agree including how he treats Blair his supposed girlfriend. Not only seeing them together kills him but knowing that she hasn’t felt loved or wanted is just too much. As a F1 racing driver he has seen many women in his career but he has always believed in THE ONE. Something in him says Blair is his but she has issues with Rossi and her job. Loving her from afar has gotten tiresome and knowing how bad Rossi has messed up with her he is ready to show her he sees her. He never imagined putting a woman first above his three rules but Blair is not just any woman. She is his everything even putting his love for racing second place. Can he really have it all, the girl and a racing contract for good?

Racing has always been in her life and sometimes it can be good or bad. For years she thought she found love with her best friend and fellow F1 formula driver Oliver Rossi. Only problem is a certain Australian has entered her thoughts and dreams making her wonder if Rossi really is the one for her. Not only is she uncertain about Rossi but her career has just taken a huge turn and can’t be distracted away from it. The thing is that not only is her love life exploding but Lachlan Evans is making her see how much she has really felt lonely. She knows racing is Rossi’s thing but for months now she is coming second place in his life and wants more. People talk around the track and knowing that her heart wants one driver and another one is breaking her heart she is unsure how she can get her job done. Being with Rossi is like wearing old shoes but with Lachlan she feels like she is at the podium getting the trophy. All these years she has worked hard in her career to reach where she is now and this is her time. Can she really have it all, Lachlan to really love her and finally get the position of a lifetime in her job? Will Rossi ruin what they had because of stupiditiy and jealousy?

It is racing season time and the latest by K. Bromberg is one that will rev up all engines including a man like Lachlan Evans.Everybody knows him as well boring and a rule follower. For years he has stayed in the straight and narrow until Rossi, fellow teammate gets on his bad side and now they are literally competing in everything. It is his time now to finally get signed for a longer contract and more than once he has been told not to get distracted. Now this is where K. Bromberg readers can see how talented, clever and sneaky she can be when it comes to Lachlan and Blair. We have the one woman who not only tempted Lachlan but makes him thinks there can be more than just F1 racing. Yes I know hard to believe a woman like Blair can do that but she is so much more making Lachlan see that temptation and breaking rules can be good. Here is a woman who knows how the racing world goes because of her best friend and semi love partner, Oliver Rossi. The thing is we see how lonely and unwanted she is becoming in his life. Her career may be on the line and yet we have Lachlan ready to show her true love and passion not afraid to show her to the world. Have to say Blair handling these two men, trying to figure out who she really belongs too and organizing a huge gala was just wow in her part. Lachlan and Blairs story is a great addition to this series and we see Cruz and Spencer again loved it. K. Bromberg and her racing world series is one you don’t want to pass up especially how sexy and loving these F1 Formula drivers can be.

“I received an eBook copy from the publisher for the purpose of an honest review. I was not compensated for this review: all conclusions are my own.”

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