Release Blitz: Full Throttle by Melanie Moreland

Full Throttle by Melanie Moreland is now live!

There’s a new mechanic in town.

Dom Salvatore.
Tall, serious, intense. A loner.
Exactly what he wants to be.
Until he meets her.

Cherry Gallagher.
Independent. Stubborn. Sexy as hell.
And not interested.
Or is she?

What happens when two lonely people open up and discover there is more to life than being alone?
When the sparks they feel become an inferno they can’t control?
When they discover the best part of each other is what they were missing?
Can they handle the full throttle of love?

Author’s Note: Join this found family in the final story set in the small town of Littleburn, Ontario, Canada. Where this group of blue-collar heroes learn to love fiercely the strong women in their lives. 

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💋Melena’s Reviews💋


Love coming back to Reynolds Restoration and boy alot has changed since we last saw Chase Officer Cinnamon aka Hannah Gallagher. From afar it may seem just like another mechanic shop but this one has a group of men including one that will just make you swoon, Dom Salvatore. Now he is new to this gang of hot mechanics and boy does he blow you away with what he is going through.  Here is a man who has well lost hope in ever finding his boy yet it takes a good woman like Cherry G to make him believe in the impossible. Sure he is sexy, tatooed and in many peoples eyes just a mechanic but this guy has a lot in him that even a woman like Cherry Gallagher can’t ignore. She is of course Hannah’s mother and boy can she past to be her sister but she has seen and gone through a lot like Dom. We have Cherry who is afraid to love after getting her heartbroken and played like a fool can’t blame her being cautious when it comes to Dom. I loved the whole age gap though not much a difference in his eyes when it comes towards his Cherry G. Have to say Dom is really good for Cherry making her see that she is still young at heart and still can catch a sexy guy like him.Here is man who loves deeply, cares with all his heart but most of all is a one woman man. Melanie Moreland creates stories that show love is scary but seeing Cherry and Dom you can tell their love can survive anything. There love is not one that just comes with history, heartbreak but Moreland makes you believe that taking the leap into love is the biggest adventure you can take. This one was worth waiting for by Melanie Moreland and one you can’t pass up, loved it.

“I received an eBook copy from the publisher for the purpose of an honest review. I was not compensated for this review: all conclusions are my own.”

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Meet Melanie Moreland

New York Times/USA Today bestselling author Melanie Moreland, lives a happy and content life in a quiet area of Ontario with her beloved husband of thirty-plus years and their rescue cat, Amber. Nothing means more to her than her friends and family, and she cherishes every moment spent with them.

While seriously addicted to coffee, and highly challenged with all things computer-related and technical, she relishes baking, cooking, and trying new recipes for people to sample. She loves to throw dinner parties, and also enjoys traveling, here and abroad, but finds coming home is always the best part of any trip.

Melanie loves stories, especially paired with a good wine, and enjoys skydiving (free falling over a fleck of dust) extreme snowboarding (falling down stairs) and piloting her own helicopter (tripping over her own feet.) She’s learned happily ever afters, even bumpy ones, are all in how you tell the story.

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