Review. Amnesia by Kelly Elliott writing as Ellie Grace

Amnesia by Kelly Elliott writing as Ellie Grace
294 pages

I know I had a life. I know I was going somewhere. I know my name is Mallory, at least think it is. I don’t know how long I was down there but running was my only option. The monster taunted me every night, never showing his face only thing I know is the sound of his laugh. A laugh so evil full of menace and mayhem and meant all for me. Running is what took me out there, not sure how long I ran but it took me to Liam Sanders. I know with him there is not evilness to his laugh and something about his voice tells me I am safe. The monster is still out there biding his time. Liam is unlike any man I think I have come across making me feel something more besides safe. In his touch, gentle words and loving assurance I know I can overcome anything. I think Mallory is my name but I know I was not the only one in that basement with the monster. I know he is still out there and I’m well helpless until I can figure out who am I. More than anything I want to be the Mallory Liam see’s, the fighter, the brave one and most of all his woman. Will I ever find out my real identity? Is the monster near by in plain sight right in front of me?

Everybody tells me I need to move on. It’s been years since anybody has seen Emily yet my heart doesn’t want to let go. Finding this woman one stormy night it feels like fate. Everything in me tells me she needs me more than she thinks. Right away I can tell she is different, not just her memory loss but there’s a connection with her I haven’t felt in a long time. Exhausted and lost is what I found but beneath the confusion there is a beauty I never expected and will do everything I can to make her feel safe. I am just a rancher but for Mallory I will move heaven and earth to make her know I am not a bad buy but the one to give her hope. The monster is out there and now everybody on my ranch and nearby is a suspect. So many questions about Mallory and no one can answer them. Will Mallory ever get her memory? Will the monster find her and finish what he started?

Two words, Holy Beejesus never saw this coming from Kelly Elliott writing as Ellie Grace. Talk about suspense, action and many questions to be asked it was mind blowing. Right away we see a young woman, no memory, no name and well not sure what to do with herself. Then we have a rancher all the way still haunted by the disappearance of his fiancee. Two people yet so much in common it is mindboggling how Ellie Grace makes sense in this whole book. Right away my heart broke for Mallory and what she is going through. The only thing she has going on is just her name and nothing else. No idea who the monster is just the sound of his laugh was and still in my mind but for this poor girl just wow. Then we have Liam doing everything he can to be there for her but struggling with what is uncovered with his Mallory there’s no words to describe it. This is definitely a style that is becoming a favorite by Kelly Elliott and seeing Ellie Grace come up with this story is just truly suspenseful. We have romance, friendship but most of all a woman doing the bravest thing she can do right now, remember. Totally rocked this book so highly recommended a story that will stay with you once it’s done making you want to read it again, loved it.

“I received an eBook copy from the publisher for the purpose of an honest review. I was not compensated for this review: all conclusions are my own.”

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