Review..I Thought of You by Jewel E. Ann

I Thought of You by Jewel E. Ann
335 pages

I never thought about my mortality. I always believed I had so many years before well THE END. The thing is that sometimes life makes you to start thinking about things. Lately though one person has been on my mind, the one person who made me feel alive and felt like king of the world. Scottie Rucker was not just the girl I thought would be my one but in many ways she is my salvation. I knew when we met she would be something and though she might think differently she is a lot to me. Seeing her now at a point where I not who I used to be might be painful for her yet she is there for me.I was young and stupid not able to really give her what she wanted but I know Koen can give her what she will need once I’m not here. I know it’s stupid to think she would love me again but I need to make sure she is happy. Koen is everything I used to be only so much better and well even I am starting to like him. Scottie’s happiness is all that matters and even if at times I’m sick her finding love again is all that is getting me by right now. After all I am here because of Scottie and just being around her is making me feel alive again.

Okay the latest by Jewel E. Ann just has me feeling everything. I mean here we have Scottie’s old love coming back in a way no one saw coming yet in many ways it feels like it was meant to be. Now we have two men, Price Milloy and Koen who have all fallen for Scottie. In some ways it feels like we are seeing Scottie’s past and present colliding and only one will survive.Price in his own way fell for Scottie in a time where he was barely starting and then Koen is the one who well needs Scottie. Scottie has a way of making you feel things you not ready for yet try so hard to keep it forever. The love she gives out to these men is unique in the way how it shows in their lives. Price may seem like he has it all figured out what will happen to him but Scottie has a way of making you rethink of what it’s really going to go. Jewel E. Ann not only shows us the what if’s but also makes you believe about the impossible happening. This is a book that will make you think, wonder and hope for the be possibilities of what can really happen.

“I received an eBook copy from the publisher for the purpose of an honest review. I was not compensated for this review: all conclusions are my own.”

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