Review..Mr. Wicked by Marni Mann

Mr. Wicked (Hooked Book 2) by Marni Mann
378 pages

Of all the women I had sex why is she the one I can’t forget. I mean I”ve bedded models, actresses, beautiful women that know the score but something about little bartender Jovana Winters just doesn’t get out out of my head. It could be the sex but one thing for sure I put it up front I just want sex nothing more. Of course not all people believe my motto, marriage is not everything which in this case sucks because my company is sinking. Well not just my company but me and my best friends Hooked. See while in college we create a mindblowing app that is beyond any other dating apps out there. We have suceeded but it takes a complete fool like me to ruin it all with too many drinks. Now it seems it is up to Jovana to make me well committied. Love is for fools I saw it with my dad never giving up on a wife that cheated on him and with my best friend who made a complete 360 change when he met Drake. Now Easton and Drake are definitely that happily ever love phase but not for me. Yet no matter how hard I try it seems Jovana is it for me. The thing is she is everything I’m trying to be worthy of even if it means bearing my soul to a woman who can destroy me.

I knew when I saw him in the bar Grayson Tanner would destroy me. I knew because of him it would just be a one night sex-a-thon but I still went to him with eyes wide open. Even now knowing that he is sinking because of his stupidity makes me a little happy. I mean he knows he’s sexy, suave and that thing he does with his tongue is just wicked he hides things about himself. I am still angry but the proposition his PR offers is one I can’t pass up. Bartending is not my thing and my influencing career is taking off but slowly. Being with Grayson can be the biggest kick I need right now to really jumpstart my business. Only thing is being with Grayson is making remember all the good naughty things he did which is making it hard making this relationship well fake. Sure on the outside we see like the cuddly, over the top pda loving couple but behind closed doors I want to kill him. One minute he can be all cold and distant then like a lever switch make me all gaga over him. It’s the little things he does that makes me think he can care for me but a part of me want what my parent’s have real love. It supposed to be just a year to get his business back up but it’s getting hard to separate the business Grayson and the sweet, sexy loving Grayson Tanner. Can I go into this marriage with my heart protected or finally get my true love at the end of the year mark?

Were back to the dating app that is skyrocketing everybody’s love life making dreams come true. Only thing is Grayson Tanner is making it seem like it’s all a fake. Here is a guy who believe love can’t possibly happen especially marriage. Then we have Jovana Winters, who is one of the few people who still believe in love at first sight and the happily ever afters. Two people so opposite from each other yet actually are like two peas in a pod. The chemistry is definitely all there but Marnie Mann shows us that sometimes love can really happen without the physical part. Seeing these two together we see a connection they never expected in a way Jovana brings out the goodness in Grayson. All his life he has never settled, never finding the unforgettable so to speak. See all the women he’s been with never stayed on his mind but then wowza he meets Jovana. Have to say there is nothing like a woman mad to really get you to think about things you could have done better than worse.Not only do we these two but we see Easton and Drake even Holden, the brains behind the app and boy this is a friendship that really helps one another. This was a great story to see and one worth waiting for by Marnie Mann for Mr. Wicked can be good, bad, naughty but in the end he is just like all bad boys you want to teach that love does exist of course with the right woman.

“I received an eBook copy from the publisher for the purpose of an honest review. I was not compensated for this review: all conclusions are my own.”

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