Review.. Never Let You Go by Bella Rivers

Never Let You Go: A Small Town Single Dad Romance by Bella Rivers
522 pages

If there is one thing about me people know is I’m not a baker. My whole life has always been about people, places and one well showing everybody what I do. I don’t really have a family, only one is Grandmother Rita and even calling her grandmother is a big stretch. The only family I know is her and well the Red Barn Bakery family. Problem is Rita is gone and now it’s my turn to be something I’m not or have no intention of becoming. One requirement is to up and move to quiet Emerald Creek, Vermont and well be an apprentice to a bakery. I expected a lot more stipulations and rules but Christopher Wright is definitely not on my radar. From the outside he’s always in control, businessman yet loved by the townspeoplen and a single father to the most beautiful little girl, Skye. By all counts I should be running back to the city but for the first time ever I have someone who wants me to suceed. Seeing how everybody knows everybody, cares and love one another makes me see that family is not just blood but friends and really root for one another. I know I stand no chance of making it but Chris is showing me a life I didn’t think was possible and now I’m in a rock and hard place. Being her in Vermont nobody knows me, my past or what I will gain they just see me Alexandra or Alex. Can I have it all the business, love and family? Or will it all blow up in my face?

There is only one girl in my life. She is my everything, my reason for living and the only smile I can handle each day. At least it was just my little girl Skye until Alexandra. Knowing she will be my apprentice for next six months is going to be a huge test for me. Everybody in Emerald Creek see’s me as just the baker and doting father so a woman like Alex from the city only means one thing for me, TROUBLE. I learned my lesson from Skye’s mother and swore to not just let any woman into our lives because of Skye. My little girl needs me and though it is so easy to see Alex fitting in our hometown, the people and even in my arms I have to be strong. Love is not someting I take easily and Alex is everything I want to love deeply but she is a city girl with big dreams. I know she is no baker yet no matter what she doesn’t give up. It’s not just my bakery that can get hurt in this apprenticeship business but Skye first time ever has a mother figure so to speak. Seeing them together makes me want the impossible, a family with Alex. She is meant for bigger things and I am just a baker making ends meet in Emerald Creek nothing to offer her. Thing about Alex is that she fits so well with my family, the bakery, the town and somehow has gotten to my head making me want to keep her here forever. I know family is important considering she has never really felt the love of one I’m determined to find a way to convince her to stay. Only thing is I know she is destined for more and is hiding something from me.

First time reading a Bella Rivers book and have to say just wow. This is the first in a series about Emerald Creek, quiet little Vermont town yet in a way this little town feels like home. We have Alex and Christopher, two people with different lives yet many ways have a lot in common. Alex has always known a life of neglect, abandonment and no love where as Chris has had the opposite all his life. He is a simple baker, owns and runs his own business while also trying to be a great father to Skye. He may be modest as well but to Alex he is all sexy temptation. Alex has never seen or felt this kind of love in her life and she only has six months to decide what she wants to do in her life. Bella Rivers not only shows us a friendship brewing but we see a love so unexpected it blows everybody’s mind consindering the circumstance boss and employee. The feelings for Chris is something she didn’t expect to hit like a hurricane with full force but somehow he got to her heart like no man has done before. It’s not just the bakery and the little town that feels like home for her but it’s little things like baking, playing with Skye and even taking the whole scenery of the town. Bella Rivers somehow brought this little town to life with it’s pubs, citizens, the laughter and even brought in a unlikeable person that well just so annoying lol. All in all these two were a great way to start the series, definitely an author you don’t want to pass up. One thing for sure Chris doesn’t make it easy for Alex just the way he kneads the dough and the sweet confections he makes will have you swooning as well. Loved it.

“I received an eBook copy from the publisher for the purpose of an honest review. I was not compensated for this review: all conclusions are my own.”

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