Review..Wanting You by Samantha Chase

Wanting You (The Donovans (Sweetbriar Ridge) Book 3) by Samantha Chase
289 pages

The next Donovan is up and boy does Chloe Donovan have a lot to say. For last 2 years in a row she has been awarded best teacher of the year but now she is about to meet her match. Everybody knows Chloe is a perfectionist well when it comes to her kindergarteners and Alpine skier Tanner Westyn has no chance with her. There is something about first impressions and boy did he mess up with Chloe. Every time he tries or says something she thinks it’s something else. All he wants is to know the super duper teacher and he is working hard to get her every attention. The more he’s with her the more he’s intrigued what makes her tick and what is really going on with her. Each day trying to figure out what kind of teacher he can be he is figuing out how to keep Chloe in his life. The thing about Sweetbriar Ridge is they’re all on team Chloe and he is a stranger even though he’s wants to be welcomed. One thing for sure is Chloe is the one for him even if she keeps denying the love that is between them.

I am stuck so to speak and this is my time to shake things up. Only problem is I have no idea how to do it. Everybody in my family is doing things I never imagined they would be doing. They’re either starting their own business or getting married and me well still teaching in the same school since I was little. Then to top it off I have competition and he is a man who thinks he’s always right. Of all the men for me to be intrigued Tanner Westyn should not always be on my mind. Everything I do he has to do it better and it’s getting quite annoying right now.Not only is he awaking my bad attitude buy my mom gets hurt and now everybody wants to be all hunky dory. I just want things to be normal and Tanner isn not making my life easy. One minute I just want to strangle him and then I just want to jump him and taste more of his kisses. A man like Tanner is making my life hard but a life without him just reminds me how boring my life really is. Can Sweetbriar Ridge Elementary handle two stubborn teachers and make it to the end of school year? Will this be the end of Tanner always winning or be the biggest competition he will ever go through?

Oh boy the latest by Samantha Chase is one that shows two strong, stubborn and competitive people go against each other. I loved that Samantha Chase shows us a side of Chloe no one has seen and boy when she goes through it it she goes all the way. Everybody knows her as the quiet, nice girl and teacher yet it is Tanner who brings a wild side in her. Tanner has always been one to not give up or lose yet when it comes to Chloe he will do anything for her love. These two, man when they come together it is like a bomb being detonated between them. Sweetbriar Ridge definitely never saw this coming and boy something about it just brings out the best in them. Not only do we see Chloe being vulnverable but so much pent up anger it seems right that Chloe goes through this. All in all we finally see Chloe’s story and what she has been hiding all these years her real passion. Loved it and cannot wait to see what else happens in this little town.

“I received an eBook copy from the publisher for the purpose of an honest review. I was not compensated for this review: all conclusions are my own.”

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