Review.. When Lies Unfold by R.C Boldt

When Lies Unfold by R.C. Boldt
638 pages


How far would you go to out run a monster? For years I lived on the run, blending in, being quiet minding my business and just learning to survive. My life was simple I woke up, dressed like everybody and cleaned houses. All it took was one house to bring danger into my life again. Only this time I am ready because this time I know how to fight. Everybody in town knows the cartel run the town from businesses to even the cops. They control everything and everyone. One house is just the start of people questioning and most of all the monster to come back into my life because Santiago Hernández has noticed the cleaning lady. I started fighting him, disobeying and well not being easy to just fall for his commands. I didn’t want Santiago questioning me or finding my secrets but I’m seeing a different side of of Hernández. Everybody see’s him as a killer, ruthless, coldhearted and dangerous yet it is one little girl who changes everything making me wants what was taken away from me by the real monster. One house to make her see that her life will never be the same and now she has to decide what really is at stake. My name is Lola Arias and this is the story of how the cleaning lady brought the ruthless cartel leader in Central America, Santiago Hernández to his knees in love.

R.C. Boldt in one word WOW for When Lies Unfold. Not only did she bring the cartel to life but along with the kills, the town Boldt brought a ruthless man see even monsters can love. Have to say Santiago Hernández is a tough man to really show his real self yet when it comes to Lola and little Alma there is no hiding.We see these two go against each other and a little girl seeing maybe what a family can be like with the right person in it. We see two sides of Santiago that will make you hate and love at the same time.Now just like Santiago, Lola is not the naive, innocent girl she seems to be but oh so much more. Readers one thing for sure Lola is not who you think she is but get ready for what is in store with her. R.C. Boldt definitely knows how to bring the suspense and action to the front stage yet show us so much more behind the scenes. All in all this is one book that has many ups, downs, twists and suspenses will make you stay on the edge of your seat to the end. One thing for sure R.C. Boldt never disappoints with her cartels, danger, love but most of all of a man seeing that redemption is possible for those who thought was impossible.

“I received an eBook copy from the publisher for the purpose of an honest review. I was not compensated for this review: all conclusions are my own.”

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