RELEASE BLITZ: Rule Breakers Fall Hardest by Micalea Smeltzer

Rule Breakers Fall Hardest by Micalea Smeltzer is now live! 

Once upon a time, Daire Hendricks was my childhood crush. He was always there, saving me from his annoying brothers. He was my rock, my safe place from my overbearing family.

Until he wasn’t.

Imagine my annoyance when we end up at the same university and I have to see his smug, too-handsome-for-his-own-good face all over campus.

Every time we cross paths, we spew hateful words at each other, so imagine my surprise when he seeks me out and utters the most surprising question.

“Marry me?”

He needs my help, and his solution is marriage. It’s a pretty big ask, but somehow, I find myself saying yes. We might hate each other now, but the benefits of this arrangement are worth it.

But what neither of us expects, is when playing house starts to feel a little too real.

Falling for each other was never part of the plan, but you know what they say about the best laid plans?

They often go awry.

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đź’‹Melena’s Reviewđź’‹

Oh boy do I love a marriage of convenience and Micalea Smeltzer just threw this one ouf the ballpark. Right away we have the toppings of a great marriage so to speak. We have friendship, hate, love and lies making you wonder how Rosie will survive. Daire is a man who gets what he wants and yet with Rosie he is having to fight tooth and nail.Daire has always been in her heart and now as adults she is guarding her heart tightly from the only man she has ever loved. He knows how she operates and the love they used to have is still there. Daire is in a place he never imagined happening and Rosie is finally getting her dreams to happen yet not how she imagined them happening. All her life she has secretly wanted to be Mrs. Daire Hendricks but fate is definitely shaking up all her dreams and fantasies. The chemistry these two have is explosive, sweet at times yet  in a sexy way they balance each other out. Seeing Daire become the man he is supposed to be even though he’s scared was like an eye opener for Rosie. Since the first book in this series it has become a favorite of mine and finally seeing Daire’s story just makes it feel like we come full circle in a way. Daire has always been known as the boy to well break the rules, never a follower but a leader and this is one rule he is excited to break even if it means rehashing the past and old hurts. Awesome Micalea Smeltzer!!

“I received an eBook copy from the publisher for the purpose of an honest review. I was not compensated for this review: all conclusions are my own.”

Meet Micalea

Micalea Smeltzer is a twenty-something author from Northern Virginia. She has four dogs, which is as crazy as it sounds. As a recent kidney transplant recipient she’s dedicated to raising awareness around the effects of kidney disease, dialysis, and transplant as well as educating people on living donation.When she’s not writing you can catch her with her nose buried in a book.

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